Monday, March 17, 2008

It's Been Too Long

It's been far too long since I last updated and posted. Not a whole lot has happened. Things are pretty much the same. We've had a few doctor's appointments and our Jeep is still out of commission but things somehow change yet stay the same.
Kieran is doing well in school and getting a long with his sisters pretty well. He did get into a scuffle on Friday but it was no big deal. He finally got to go to Aeropostale and get some clothes which he thought was totally cool and he learned that doing his chores does get him some cool stuff. That was a great lesson for him and he saw the fruits of his labor. He's been talking a lot about playing soccer this spring but unfortunately I found out today that there's a long waiting list and so, I emailed the gal and asked how I could get him on the list for Fall sign ups now...I'm hoping he at least gets to play this fall since spring is out this year. I know now how to get him signed up and that was the first step. He handled the disappointment pretty well as he usually does.
Steff has been sleeping better with a lot of thanks to her pediatrician who put her on Amytritiline. It's a medication that's commonly used for children with major sleep disturbances. We had to do something for her she was only getting 6 to 8 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period and at her age she's supposed to be sleeping 10-12 hours a night. It wasn't an easy decision either. No parent wants to put their child on medication but we decided to put our faith in the Lord and put it in his hands and trust our doctor. He's never steered us wrong before and he's always been a cautious doc to boot. We won't be leaving her on it long. Just long enough to get a regular sleep pattern back into her life.
Sadie is doing well. Still no talking and she's still mastering walking. I took her to the eye doctor the other day and he said everything looks good and the only reason she has one eye that deviates out is because she has some overactive muscles in her eye. He said that it does not disturb her vision and that if it doesn't correct itself as she gets older then she can have surgery to correct it. Not the greatest news (the whole surgery thing) but at least she isn't having any disturbances in her vision.
Ryan is doing well. He's been working a little less overtime since we received the settlement from the insurance company of the girl that hit me back in May 2006 so that's always a bonus. He did take a side job doing drywall but that's only lasted a few weekends and he's just about finished. I advised him that I don't like it when he takes side jobs and I asked him to not take anymore.
Our Jeep is still parked in the garage and we're waiting on a part for it. It turned out to be a bigger pain than we thought to get the part and we wanted to get the best deal which also meant that we had to wait a little longer than we would have liked. We both look forward to giving Alan and Shauna back their car as I'm sure they're looking forward to getting it back from us. It's been really great of them to let us have their car for as long as we've had it and we plan on doing something nice for them as soon as we give it back...So, if you have any ideas of things we can do send us an email with your thoughts.
Ryan and I are in counseling together to work on money management. We both want to be on the same page and work toward the same goals. It's not that horrible but it's the one place our marriage needs to be looked at and we both agree we each have areas we can and need to work on. We had a great session and discovered it was a couple's thing by complete accident. I was originally the one in counseling and Ryan wanted to come to one of my sessions to see how he could help me be better with money and that's when we learned that it was a problem we had together and not just me. Things will be better if we work on it together as opposed to individually anyway.
I have completely the class that my church requires to gain membership and to be baptised. I'm really looking forward to making that outward confession that I know Christ is my Savior and I know He loves me and that He died for my sins. It's also nice to be obedient.
So, that's the latest news with all of us. Hope all is well with each of you.

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