Tuesday, January 29, 2008


So, Sadie is doing really well this walking thing she's learning to do. She tries all the time. She can now stand up in the middle of the room and start walking from there and she can make turns. She's catching on pretty quick. Soon she won't be my baby anymore she'll be my toddler. It kinda bums me out, I'd like her to stay a baby forever but alas she's going to grow up.
I know Ryan and I can hardly wait for the days when her and Steff play together and of course, they will fight and it will probably be Sadie coming and telling us that Steff is being mean. It still will be great though.
I sure love my children. They bring me such joy, yeah, it is hard sometimes but I do it and I love it. I know I wish I worked more days a week, then the girls would be being socialized more and I could network with people from my faith as well.
Ryan is doing better, he took all of Sunday to rest. He says it's really hard to do anything on his one day off after working 18 hours a week overtime. I can't say I blame him but there are things, like the garage door still doesn't work, that need to be done. I'd love to give him some extra energy but how does that work? I know I can't and honestly I need to save all the extra energy that I get. These kids wear me out.
Well, I better go, I took Rexy to the groomer and he's done so I need to go get him. I can't wait to see him, I miss him running around and jumping all over everything.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Life is Interesting

Life never has a dull moment in this house. Of course, some things are good and some are bad. Just this morning I was using the restroom and could hear Steff laughing. When I reappeared into the living room the puppy and Sadie were sitting on the cushion less couch eating popcorn together and Steff apparently thought it was funny to watch. I had to clean up the popcorn and chuckle myself...

Well, our Jeep is still broke down and will be for and undetermined amount of time. The part to fix it was $412, so that's going to have to be saved for. And that was a remanufactured one, the new ones were $900. Oh. boy...is all we can say. Thank the Lord Ryan's friend let us borrow his car for as long as we need it.

Speaking of the car we borrowed...it's stuck in our garage...the garage door is also on the fritz and we cannot open it with the garage door opener, we have to manually lift it. It's not light...Ryan tried to put it down himself and it picked him up off the floor, that's how heavy it is. The worst part about that is that Ryan can't figure out how to fix it. It's not that he can't, he just hasn't figured it out yet.

The great news is that Sadie has taken the first steps to walking. She was trying really hard last night to figure it all out. She kept trying and trying and it was all by herself. She would pull herself up to the couch and just start walking towards things. She took a max of about 6 or 7 steps...It was great and we've been waiting for a long time for this. Of course, we praise her highly with claps and cheers and she loves it.

The puppy is growing and learning his boundaries pretty well. He's taking to paper training pretty well. Right now he's climbing all over me and my computer desk. He's just so cute and fun. I don't think I've ever loved an animal this much. I think the whole family just loves him to death. I know Ryan does. He spoils him rotten...

Kieran isn't doing so well taking care of his turtle. Ryan and I do it most of the time. We expect to have to take care of her when Kieran isn't around but he should be feeding her and taking care of her when he's home. His excuse was that he's too busy. Not sure how he came to that conclusion but he said something about having school 6 hours a day. He's been doing good other than that little discussion though. He has an appt with Kluthe today and there are a couple things his Gram and I have figured we need to talk to him about. Nothing too serious just little things that he needs help to learn how to relax about.

Steff is doing well, she plays with the puppy and loves every moment of it. He has a duck that's attached to a string that she pulls around and he chases. It's a great game for the both of them. She hasn't been to big of a stinker lately. No sugar spilling just little bouts of temper here and there. Of course, I've learned my lesson and the sugar dish only gets filled about 1/3 of the way now.

Sadie is doing great! She was talking but she hasn't done that for a few days but how can we complain with her learning to walk? We aren't, but it would be nice to know what she has to say. The pediatrician isn't worried as long as she's not just grunting. He says she most likely just doesn't want to talk.

I am doing well. I am growing leaps and bounds in my faith and I even have a job at the church. I only work about 6 days a month but it's a way for me to serve the Lord and the bonus is I make a little money too. I am working in their childcare department, taking care of kids under school ages while their parents go to Bible studies. I only work about 3 hours a day so it's not too much of a good thing. I really enjoy it and it's a way to get the girls out and give them a chance to socialize with other children their age.

Ryan is doing okay, he's really stressed out about the money thing because the Jeep broke down and then the garage door is perplexing him. He's maintaining a pretty good attitude and hasn't completely lost it. He acts like he wants to sometimes though. How can I blame him? I know and he knows that the only way we'll get on top is if he works overtime. I hate that he's the only one that brings in money. I so wish I could help. But, that's just me wanting to make everything all better.
I'm absolutely sure we'll make it and everything will be okay. It's just a matter of having faith. Faith like a mustard seed...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

First Day of New Job

I started my new job today. It looks like I will be working every Thursday and every other Friday for MOPS meetings. I liked it and had a great time with all the kids. I didn't even smoke for a whole three hours and you wanna hear the best part? I only thought about it one time and that was all it was...a thought and the desire never reared it's ugly head again. I thought that was great that the Lord sustained my bad habit for that period of time.
Now back to how things went...I took care of kids from newborn to 2 (or so). I changed a bunch of diapers and it's a good thing that doesn't bother me. I played with the little critters and had a great time getting them to laugh and enjoy their time with us.
It was me and another girl. She was only 15 and had been doing it for two years so she showed me the ropes. If you're wondering why she wasn't in school it's because she is home schooled. I told her that I felt she should get some kind of school credit for taking care of kids like she does.
I had such a great time. I can hardly wait until next week. I didn't have as hard of a time getting the girls out the door as I feared and they even looked cute.
Sadie did well with the other kids. She had one period where she was a little jealous and came over to me crying and doing this throatal scream thing she does. I was holding another little boy who was crying because his mom had left him. He calmed down and Sadie did too.
Steff only had one stint where she was naughty and all I had to do was go over and talk with her and let her know that throwing toys was unacceptable behavior and she quickly started to cooperate and help clean up the toys with the rest of the kids. I was told she asked one of the ladies to take her to the rest room, she didn't do anything but she asked to go. I guess that's a start, maybe she'll see all the other kids use the restroom and decide she wants to be a big girl too.
Well that was the excitement for today, I hope you all are having a blessed day and feel your best. God bless each of you...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Borrowed Vehicles and New Jobs...

Well, I just wanted to update you on the latest. Ryan works with a guy that let us borrow his car for an undetermined amount of time while our Jeep is being fixed. Which won't happen until this weekend when Ryan has the time to work on it. I thought it was so very nice of Alan to let us borrow his car. He has an extra one so we aren't putting him out of a vehicle.
I start my new job tomorrow. I have to be there at 9am and it will go until about noon. I will be taking care of children while people go to their Bible studies at WHBC. Washington Heights Baptist Church is where I go to church and I'm looking forward to having a job and getting the girls into a learning program. They will be able to be socialized which they both really need. Steff needs it so she can learn how to treat other children and be around other kids plus she might potty train easier if she sees other kids her age doing it. And, Sadie is a little behind so seeing kids her size might inspire her to walk and talk more. All in all I think it will be good for all of us.
Kieran and Steff are playing together and every now then Kieran makes Steff scream which ultimately woke Sadie up from her evening nap. She's such a mellow kid that it's no big deal when she's awake though.
I have been doing Bible studies all day and had to take a minute away to blog. I like blogging but I've been so into my studies that I haven't thought about it. I've just learned so much and done so much growing that I just want to do more and more and more. It's very interesting the things you learn when you get into a specific study. Right now I'm doing more topical type studying but I printed off a whole bunch of stuff on the Messianic Prophecies and I plan to delve in to that soon.
Well, I need to go and take care of my darling children, tend to my puppy and continue my studying so I'll catch you all later.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Good and Bad

It's been an interesting week...first off Sadie started talking and says things like "yeah, yeah, yeah" and "dada." She also took a couple of steps, so she's on her way to walking. I'm so excited. She's done all this in just a couple of days. It will be cute when she's officially walking and talking.

Then the bad, our Jeep broke down and we have no idea how we are going to get it fixed. Oh...boy, the Lord has something in mind but what? is the question.

Other than that things are going well.

Kieran is adjusting to his meds okay and Steff has been pretty decent lately. No sugar spilling in the last couple of days. Ryan is doing okay, he's worried about the Jeep and how to get it going again. I told you about our Sadie girl, doing some exciting things. I'm doing well, living in my faith a lot and it's helped my days go by in a constructive way and it's kept me sane. I'm actually loving all the reading I've been doing and I've enjoyed spending time with the Lord throughout the day.

So, all in all things are good. I know the whole Jeep thing is a crisis but I'm not to worried, things always work themselves out. It's just a matter of getting it home, it broke down at Ryan's work...and getting into the problem...because we aren't 100% sure of what all went wrong. It's going to be okay though and the Jeep will run once again.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Just Want to Sleep

If you'll notice the time on this blog you'll pity me...It's 1:30am and I'm up because Steffanie is up. She thinks it's morning or something because she's being a little chatter box and won't lay down and go back to sleep.
Rex is sitting on my lap chewing on the pillow he's sitting on and I'm so tired I don't even care, not even a little bit...
It's one of those rough nights in the Kelstrom home. The first incident was about an hour and half ago when Steff came in and woke me up, which woke Sadie and then Rex saw me and started whining too. Boy, was that fun-NOT...
Argh, I just want to go back to sleep but I don't see that happening any time soon.
The kids went to bed very early, like 7pm and I should have know to wake them up and make them stay up sooner because I knew something like this would happen.
I'd just go back to bed and let Steff fend for herself but fending for herself is different than what you and I'd do. You see, she gets into things. She's are taken the q-tips and flushed them down the toilet. At least that's what I think she did with them because they have all disappeared and the toilet lid was up...
I should be okay in about an hour when the coffee that I've started drinking kicks in. But, tomorrow or should I say-today is going to be a rough one. Yikes............

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Rough Night

It was a rough night. The dog and Steff were up several times, Sadie had a restless period and I was awake several times myself. I was up every hour changing the channel for Steff and re-covering her up and the each time the dog heard me and he'd wake up and cry for about a half an hour. Then to boot Steff woke up for the day at six. Which means, she's gonna be ornery during grocery shopping. Sadie got up early too. She was up by 7:30 and of course she pooped shortly after. It's been a rough night and a trying morning. I wish I could go back to sleep for about an hour, just one hour is all...

Monday, January 14, 2008

She's Two

Okay, so Steff just pulled a two year old move and decided the dog needed glucose water. She took the whole thing of sugar, which I just filled two days ago and dumped it all over the dining room and in the dogs pen and his water dish. The water was as thick as pea soup when I took it and cleaned it out so I could get the dog fresh water.
Not only did she do that she also took my coffee mug off the counter and put it in Sadie's reach so Sadie spilled my coffee all over the floor. I had just poured that cup of coffee to boot. So, I had to get the big vacuum because there was no way the swivel sweeper was cleaning this gargantuan mess of sugar up and I had to have all the attachments too. I put a towel on the coffee stain and cleaned up the sugar...
I'm so angry with her right now that she asks me for things and all I have to do is give her a look and that's it...she runs off, crying.
Not only did Sadie spill the coffee on the floor she spilled it on herself. And, of course I had just put those clothes on her. Isn't that the way it always goes?
I will be cleaning up sugar from here until Christ comes again...

In Our Bed

Rexy slept in our bed for the first time last night. Ryan brought him in when he came to bed around 3am. Rex sat there at licked my face for the first few minutes and then he got comfortable and went to sleep. He slept most of the night down in the covers and when I woke up he was ready for the bathroom and to play. He was very playful this morning...he kept biting Kieran and Kieran didn't like it much.
The girls are watching Vegetales...cute shows staring of all things, vegetables. Sadie didn't get up until almost 8:30 this morning and Steff crawled out of the kitchen at about 8am. They are being good-for the moment.
I'm doing well. I had a good day with the Lord yesterday. I spent a lot of time reading His Word and pondering the places in my life that I need to work on. It was good...
Ryan had a good day. He relaxed most of the day but he did help me make our bed and he put some protective film on the windows in our bedroom to help keep it warmer in there. Which it did help, I slept nice and comfortable last night with the temperature. It wasn't too cold and it didn't get too hot either. It was a nice change from the cold temp it used to be. He also vacuumed the entire house. Which is his chore, only by choice because he hates the floor being dirty. That's why I got him a swivel sweeper for Christmas. Now he can do on the spot kinda jobs and not have to break out the Kirby.
Today will hopefully be a good day. I have some Bible reading to do and prayers to say so I'm off to have time with the Lord...

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Just An Update

I haven't blogged for a couple of days and I wanted to just do an update...
Our family is doing well. We are still adjusting to having Rex but it's seems to be fairly smooth going. Everyone but Sadie enjoys him and Sadie just doesn't care. She's in her own little world. Ryan comments on how much he loves the little guy and I think it's funny that a grown man could adore something so little and un-manly. For pete's sake he's a chihuahua.
Kieran is doing well. We changed his meds again and I think this time we might have it right. He was just a little out of whack with what he was on. He was a great kid last week especially after being grounded for as long as he was. He was very helpful and did his chores without any guff. He woke up early each morning so he could play with the puppy before school and it seems he had a good week.
Steff has been fairly good. No new adventures to report. She didn't get into anything and spill it everywhere for an entire week. It must be a new record. She has been play cooking a lot lately and we're thinking of getting her a little kitchen set for her birthday. We went over to Matt and Mareesa's house and their little girl has a kitchen set in which Steff really liked playing with. I don't know where we'll put it since our house is quite crowded (at least until my mother moves out) but she'd really enjoy it.
Sadie has been her normal, mellow self. She couldn't care less about the dog although she doesn't like it when he gets in her face and licks it. She just shakes her head back and forth and if he doesn't stop fairly quickly she'll start to squeal at him. She can walk while holding onto one hand now but she still won't stand or walk on her own. She has also been into giving "high fives" she thinks that's pretty funny and she waved "bye-bye" for the first time on Friday. That was so cute and so exciting.
I am doing well. I'm not bored anymore and as a matter of fact I feel like I live in a zoo. I feel like I literally live in a zoo...with 3 kids, 1 dog, 1 turtle and 1 fish it can be pretty hectic around here. I don't mind though, it keeps me busy and entertained. I like having so many things requiring my care and attention. I'm sure I'll need a break but for now I'm enjoying the way things are. I feel completely happy with my life.
I went back to church today after a couple of months off. I just decided I like who I am much better when I am active in my religion and at my church. I had a few personal realizations and I'm just thankful they didn't turn into painful lessons that the Lord could have given me. I just need to stay with it. I know Ryan likes it when I go to church, he says it makes me a very pleasant person to be around. I have to agree that I like myself much better when I've had that time away with God.
So, that's the latest and most recent with our family, I hope you enjoyed reading this weeks adventures.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Kelstrom Zoo

I feel like we live in a zoo. . .The day starts out with making sure all the animals, children included have their morning needs met. I check Rex to make sure he has water and feed him, get Sadie a bottle and turn on the news. Then I feed the fish and go down and check on the turtle. This routine repeats itself several times a day. And, I remember when I said I was bored. I am no longer bored. And, quite honestly, I like it. I like having things to do but I seriously feel like I live in a zoo. Ryan is not excluded as one of the animals. He so happens to be the bear. The worst and most ornery of all the animals. A lot of my animals are not docile but he's got to be the worst ever. I am almost afraid to talk to him about anything. But that's a whole different blog. This one is all about all the animals I have in my house.........

Pics of Rexy

Here are a couple of pictures of our little one. He's really light tan right now but when he's full grown he'll be a golden color. Doesn't he look cute as a button? I know we're partial pet-parents but he is an adorable dog.

No Crying

It was a great night with the pup. He didn't make so much as a peep all night long. He just slept in his pen and took care of his business. I was so proud of him. Right now, he's sleeping in my lap and it's so cute.
First thing Steff did when she woke up this morning was go to his pen to check on him and she told me the "puppy gone" I had to let her know that I had him in my lap and she wanted to know, "where." It was quite cute that that was the first thing she did when she woke up. I think she likes him, what do you think?
Sadie is being her usual happy self. She's just crawling around and playing with various things and of course, watching Sprout. She loves about two or three different shows and she'll scream and squeal at the tv when she watches them. It's funny.
Has anyone checked out my My Space page? It's www.myspace.com/krazeelife. I don't blog much there since I do it here but it has pics and such.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Not a Bad Night

It was a much easier night with Rex. He only cried half the night this time. I slept in the living room again to make sure I could take care of him if he needed me. Ryan came home and played with him again which I think is going to be their routine from now until he stops working nights. I think it's cute and you should see how excited Rex is when Ryan gets him out of the pen. He does that zipping all over the house thing that dogs do when they are excited. He also comes and wakes me up and licks my face until I acknowledge him, then he's off to play with Ryan again. The previous owner said they miss him because he was always so fun. I'm still happy we got him and I look forward to the days when he is more independent and a little older. I can't wait to see what he looks like full grown.
I took him with me last night to go get Starbucks and the guy at the order window recognized he was a Chihuahua puppy and I was a little shocked because he looks like a little yellow lab. I asked him how he knew that and he said he has to Chi's. I was impressed.
Sadie and I are the only one's up right now. Kieran got up and played with Rex before school and thus, he's at school now. Ryan and Steff are still asleep which is fine that Steff still is, she didn't go to sleep until sometime after midnight. I completely crashed out on her at about 10:30 but of course I had to keep waking up to play the "On Demand" game otherwise I wouldn't know she was still up at 12. I'm hoping she'll sleep in until around 10 and that's only an hour away.
Kieran and Ryan have dentist appointments today at noon. I hope they don't have any cavities. They are never fun to have. I wonder though, when Steff will let us actually sit her in a dental chair to see how her teeth are? It could be a while yet, she's just not the cooperative type.
I have a new blog on my space. . .the address is www.myspace.com/krazeelife. So go and check it out, I have a bunch of pictures posted in it.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A Long Day w/Rexy

It's been a long day with Rexy. He cries whenever he's put in his kennel and that makes for a noisy house. It wasn't bad and it didn't drive me nuts or anything...he just cried a lot.
It wasn't all bad, I got to lay down and take a nap today and it was with my new baby. I enjoyed that.
As of right now, the girls are watching Sprout and Kieran is laying on the couch with Rexy. It's quite loud in spite of everything and everyone being entertained.
I have enjoyed having a new addition to our family. He's so sweet and cuddly. I took him with me to the store today when I went to get a few things we were in need of. He just slept in my coat and no one knew he was there. At least, until he started to fall out the bottom and I had to save him from a certain fall. Then, he was exposed but only for a minute.
Well, tonight I think Rex will be sleeping with me that way when he stirs I can bring him into the pen to pee-pee. I liked napping with him quite well. I don't know how Ryan is going to feel about having a puppy in our bed but I know I'll like it. It's like sleeping with a newborn. And, I love sleeping with newborns.
I was able to get out of the house today and get my nails done. In spite of the weather I left the house and braved the elements. It was quite the drive and I was thankful for four wheel drive.
The kids are still adjusting to our little one. Kieran just loves him to death and the feeling seems both ways. Steff likes him and says he's hers and Sadie just picks at him. She gets a little jealous when you're holding him and she notices. It's kinda cute.
I think I'm gonna get and clean up my house a little, it's been trashed by kids. I did do the dishes but the rest of the house is in disaray.

A Rough Night

It was a rough night with a new puppy in the house. I knew having him would be like having a newborn but I didn't think he'd cry all...night long. I figured he'd wear himself out at some point and sleep but no...I was wrong about that. Or maybe I just slept through the periods of time where he did actually sleep.
Let us start at the beginning...First off, all the kids were in bed and asleep by 9pm, including the dog. So, after the news and close to 10pm I decide it's time for me to go to bed because I know that Rexy is going to keep me up all night. I went to bed and it should end here but it doesn't. This is were Sadie wakes up and wants to be up. This is also were she wakes Rex up and he wants to be up and he's not being silent about it.
So, Sadie cried for about an hour and finally gave up and went back to sleep and Rex didn't. He kept crying and crying and crying. I slept on the living room floor last night and Steff slept on the couch. We both were up at 2am because she decided she'd had enough sleep. I somehow managed to put it on Sprout and find her a couple of shows in our "On Demand" feature. I say somehow, because I was mostly asleep through this adventure.
Ryan came home at 3:30am and Steff greeted him at the door and Rex whined at the gate for him to pick him up. He did. I woke up at this point to receiving kisses all over my face by my darling new puppy. I didn't mind. He was sure hyper though. I was in shock how excited he was to be out of his pen. But, I was also thinking this little fellow is nocturnal. Oh...boy. Many more days of the crying all night ahead. Then it happens, Rex piddles on the floor and then he goes into the hallway and poops. The worst part is that Ryan got him out and he tells me it's my dog so I need to clean it up. I'm going to be setting a rule, if you get him out of the pen then you clean up any messes he makes. It only makes sense to me.
So, Ryan goes to bed and he puts Rex back in his pen and Steff gets a show put on and I go to sleep. I wake to Kieran getting Rex out of the pen, he's still crying...and it's quarter after 7 and surprisingly, Steff has managed to fall back to sleep.
So, at quarter to 8 I take Kieran to school, with Rexy in tow...Kieran put him down his coat but only after putting on his little sweater. He looks so cute in his sweater. . .As soon as I get home Sadie wakes up and my mom took Rex down to sleep with her. I have a break from the puppy.
As of right now, Sadie and I are the only one's awake and it's like every other morning. I feel exhausted but that's a small price to pay for the joy we will get from having Rex...Besides, there's nothing I can do about it so I might as well just deal with the way things are...Right?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Pic of Bob

Here's a pic of my brother Travis and I with Uncle Bob...
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Pics of Rexy and The Kids

Here's our new edition to our family. Welcome Rexy!!!

We Got Rexy

We went shopping today. Ryan actually took me shopping for Rexy. We bought him all the stuff that new puppies require and he got a cute little sweater too. It's so little and so cute and so is he for that matter. We got to go and pick him up and bring him home today too.
It's been fun having him in the house. And, we've only had one accident. I have so far, been on key with when he needs to potty and thus, he has gone on his paper. As for now, our house smells like vinegar because I read that spraying straight vinegar on a potty spot gets rid of the bacteria and the smell all in one sweep. A little FYI for those of you who may be thinking of getting a pup.
It should be interesting to see him grow and hear the adventures that our family goes through in the mean time. The kids have taken to him well. Kieran plays with him and he plays with Kieran. Steff thinks he's hers and tells me she wants her Rexy. Sadie picks at him like she's some kind of ape picking at bugs and my mom (because, let's face it, she is one of my children too) has been quite sweet with him.
I think tonight and the next night he'll be sleeping with me. I want him to get used to me being his primary owner so he'll be loyal. Right now, he seems to be taking to Kieran the best, which is cute in it's own right. I would take to him too if I were a new puppy...
So far it's been a normal morning but this afternoon will be a lot different. You see, we get our Rexy today. Matt told Ryan last night that we could come and get him. So, today we are going shopping for our puppy and then we will go to the Reeder's house and pick up our new bundle of joy.
Then the fun of potty training begins. I'm not looking forward to it but I know it has to be done right or we'll always have problems with him pottying in the house. I just hope he learns to respect us as his owners right off the bat. I read that that's very important for Chi's. They need to know who the boss is or they will rule the roost. And, that, will cause serious problems with behavior.
I am so excited to have a new baby in the house and Kieran was way excited this morning when I told him that we'd have Rexy when he got home from school. He started jumping up and down and squealing with excitement. I told him to have a great day and be good. I was worried that all the excitement of having something to look forward to would make him over-anxious and thus, cause his to be a problem child today. I hope not, but you always got to be on top of this stuff as a parent.
The girls are being pretty decent this morning. Right now they are watching Nemo. Sadie hasn't taken her morning poop yet which is kind of odd but I'm sure she'll take it soon. She never goes too long without taking it. Steff has had me being her butler, complete with covering her up a half a dozen times and getting her her juice bottle. I don't usually mind doing some of this stuff for her but sometimes she's overdemanding. Not this morning though.
It looks like my uncle will be going home today or should I say, tonight. He wants to take an Amtrak train. Which is fine but my husband and I have to front my mom the money-again. I realize she gets paid this weekend but it's well over $100 for a ticket. It's just annoying that we are being her bank again. I get sick of fronting her money for things that happen. She needs to start squirling money away so when things come up she has the money. The worst part is that her checks are so small that she will have to pay us back in bi-weekly installments. I know we have a little extra money but we also have things that we need to take care of so she's using up the money we have set aside to fix things like the truck and the jeep. Oh...I could get angry but why? I guess I could look at as things "just come up."
It's been nice having my uncle around but to be honest, it will be nice to have my house back to myself. I don't mind that he's been here but it's just different when someone is in your home for a few days. The fact that he showed up unexpectedly is really no big deal. I just want to get back to normal. Besides, normal is going to be a lot different with our Rexy in the house. I guess my uncle has a male Chihuahua. Which I thought was cool. He said he's a great dog to have too. I am looking forward to having him, I'm so excited. I honestly want to go wake Ryan up right now so we can go shopping for him but that would never go over well. He wouldn't get out of bed right now if the world was coming to an end. I will be in there right at 11 to wake him up though.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

Mom Went To The Dentist

Well, I went to the dentist today and I knew he was going to tell me I have a cavity and sure enough, he did just that. I have one small cavity and either I'm brushing too hard or I have gum disease. I honestly think it's from brushing too hard. I think I have taken and pushed my gums back with how hard I brush. I hope that's what it is anyway. I don't want to go through surgery for my gums, that would be painful. And, we all know how much I just love pain. Yea, it's one of my favorite things in life to experience. I have no problems admitting I don't do pain very well. I hate the stuff.
My mom is at it again. She's using Ryan and I as a bank account or better yet, a line of credit. Like we can afford for her to use us to buy the things she should save her money for in the first place. I hate helping her but I know if she could, she would help us.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

A Day of Rest

It's a day of rest as Ryan puts it, and as you see from the pictures my family is in no short supply of agreeance with that old time Bible passage.

Kieran is sitting alongside his sister in a basket and eating lunch, Ryan is laying on the couch dozing in and out, and Sadie is roaming the house and doing nothing serious.

I am bored out of my mind and thus, I type. . .

It's been an interesting weekend. I missed my Secret Sister brunch and feel terrible that I didn't get to meet the people I have been praying for and meet the one that has been praying for me. But, I did have my uncle come in to town. I haven't seen him since I was a teenager.
I need to send my secret sister an email letting her know that I spaced the event and that I had family come into town.
It's been nice seeing my uncle, he's as crazy as I remember him being but he's gotten a little more mellow with age. I was very afraid of him when I was little. I used to scream every time he held me or tried to show me any affection when I was a toddler. I enjoy him now. I didn't know that I would but I do enjoy him and I enjoy his personality.
The kids are doing okay. Kieran had an incident at school last week and he got himself grounded for a few days but I think he's understanding the point behind the grounding. I hope he can learn to control himself better. It really bothers me when he acts up because I feel like I'm doing something wrong as a parent.
Steff has been pretty verbal lately and we've noticed she's a lot more friendly with people she doesn't know and those she just met. It's like she's opened up to the idea of being friendly. Not sure if I like it though, you see, with her being wary of others I didn't have to really worry about when a stranger got close to her because she'd make all sorts of racket letting us know she was uncomfortable. Not so much anymore.
I took the girls to the doctor the other day and we found out that Steff has a sinus infection, which is causing post nasal drip which in turn is causing her to have a cough. Dr Silas prescribed an antibiotic and a cough syrup for her. For Sadie, he simply said she has a cold and he prescribed a decongestant for her stuffy little nose.
Sadie is doing well. She's starting to stand on her own more but she still will not let us just stand her up in the middle of the room quite yet. She's getting there though. It will be an exciting time when she becomes more mobile...
I am doing well. I have been feeling pretty decent and my hips haven't been giving me any grief. I do clench my jaw quite a bit though and I need to figure out why. It causes a headache if I've been doing it for quite a while. I think I'm going to go and read or make myself busy. I just wanted to post an update on the family...

Thursday, January 3, 2008

That Was Nuts

We just had a nutty time but isn't that status quo for our family. You see, Ryan went to the bank and got some money out and while he was there letting me know that he'd left the atm card with me he locked his keys in his truck. You're thinking, use the spares in your wallet, well, he lent them to my mom when she borrowed his truck about 6 months ago and thus, he didn't have them. So, as I'm on the phone with him it becomes clear that I have to throw the girls in the jeep and go unlock his truck. Sounds easy enough...Steff was in her diaper and Sadie was asleep. So, I had to dress Steff and wake Sadie but we did it all in record time. I hit every light green and was at the bank in record time...Only one problem, wrong bank. He was at a different branch....isn't that my luck. So, I jet over to the branch he's at and he was crossing the parking lot from going to pay the bill that he originally went to the bank to get money for anyway. I gave him a ride to his truck and handed him my keys. He unlocked it and I drove off. Then, he comes running across the parking lot at me saying he didn't unlock it...So, I drove back to his truck and waited to make sure he had really unlocked it this time.
We decided after this adventure we both deserved some Starbucks so off to Starbucks we went....All ended well and we both kept good attitudes. Problem solved and everyone lived.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

One Up, One Down

One just got up from a nap and one needs to go down for a nap. Sadie just woke up from her long late morning nap and Steff is really whiny and needs to go down for a nap. There's only one problem...Steff doesn't cooperate for naps anymore.
Ryan has gone off to work. I don't know why he leaves so early but he likes to get there early and do his "time" before work starts. I mean, I guess I understand but it really is a bummer that he leaves around two and I don't get him up until 11. So, I only get to see him for a few short hours before he leaves. It's such a drag.
I got Ryan to wave bye to Steff and that made her a little happier but up until then she was ornery, ohh...so...ornery. Then she went and laid down on the couch cushions and told me she wanted me to cover her up. Maybe she'll crash out for a little while and get some happy zzz's?
I thought the pics of the girls jumping on the couch were cute. It was a good time watching them. I know I sound like they just drive me nuts but we have some good times too. Just like letting them jump on the naked couch...
Steff just told me she was going to take a nap. I hope so, then shortly my mother will be home. She hasn't been home since Saturday night so it will be nice to see her. I know why she can't move in with Danny but sometimes I wish she could. It would be nice to have the basement to ourselves. Granted, that would mean I'd have more house to clean and I'd have to do all the laundry by myself but the benefits seem to outway the cons at this point. I just got to get my mother to grow up enough to take care of herself and move out. She says she wants to move out but we'll see. I don't doubt that she wants to move out, what I doubt is her resolve to do whatever it takes to live on her own. I mean, she'd have to get a second job to afford to live. I doubt, highly, that she's going to take that step...

And, she's asleep...Steff finally crashed out on the couch cushions. Which, if I didn't mention earlier are on the floor again. I can't keep my house clean today. I have done so much to work on it and I feel like I'm running in circles and Steff and Sadie are running them faster. I think I will go clean up the kitchen, at least there I can clean and not have kids destroy it faster than I can clean it. The only thing I have to deal with is that Sadie will pull the dishes off the bottom rack of the dishwasher as fast I put them in. That's of course no big deal....

Little Stinkers

Here's a couple pictures of the girls jumping on the couch. Notice the cushions are off it and they are on it. Little stinkers...

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Parents Gone Mad

Our children are going to officially drive us mad tonight. Sadie took a nap, in which she woke up from in a bad mood. Steff is hitting her brother and taking her diaper off and Kieran, well, he's just being a ten year old...nothing serious with him.
So, right now Ryan is playing a computer game...which means he's virtually oblivious to everything going on...Kieran is playing with this ultra-violet light that he got for Christmas, Steff is crying because Kieran did something to her because she jumped on him and Sadie is sitting on the floor moaning like she's in pain. This is how it's been for the last hour of our evening. Hence, our children are going to drive us mad.
Apparently, Sadie just wanted to be held. I went and picked her up and sat her on my lap while I sit here and type and she is chatting me up. In her own language of course, but chatting none-the-less. I'm sure she'll get bored soon and want to get down. She heard Ryan and of course began trying to peer around me to see him. She clawed me with her little razors in the process. She gets the worst set of sharp nails on her.
I figured it out...they are being demons because Sprout isn't on. As soon as I had Kieran change the channel they started to relax and be good.

A New Year

It's a new year and that means new years resolutions. We'd love to hear about everyone else's resolutions, so send Ryan an email so we can sit and check them together. Kdogg76@comcast.net We enjoy reading his emails together so having something fun from each of you would be a real treat.
Ryan and I have made the biggest resolution of our lives...we have decided to quit smoking. We are going to try that new medication-Chantix. I have a friend who quit on it and she's doing well. We know it's as much habit change and will-power as it is anything else but we are both sick of smoking. We both severally detest it anymore. Yeah, sure, it would be great if we could have one while out having a cup of coffee or while with friends but we are not social smokers. We have that addiction part as well. But, hey we have made up our minds.
It's going to take us a few months since the medication is so expensive and you're supposed to smoke and take it for the first month...that's going to be a costly month for us...but, the advantages of being a non-smoker are so much more appealing than the things we have to look forward to as smokers. It's deadly and costly. Why pay the tobacco companies to kill us?
Please send us your prayers and keep us in your thoughts as we venture down this road. We are going to need all the help we can get....