Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sadie's Doctor Appointment

It was an interesting appointment to say the least. Dr. Silas is worried about why Sadie isn't talking especially the fact that she used to say "mama" and "dada" and now she just squawks. He has referred her to an audiologist and to speech therapy. However, we've learned that our insurance will only cover rehabilitation not habilitation. So, they'll pay for you to re-learn to talk but not to learn to talk. This was of great disappointment. We have decided to keep her first appointment with the speech therapist as this appointment is intended to be an evaluation and not so much therapy. We are wondering if she is able to make tongue and lip sounds as those are the places we form our words.
We don't think she has any hearing problems for several reasons...she understands what we are saying to her and she can follow simple directions, she covers her ears when there are loud sounds and she responds to things like banging noises and such with a startle. One thing is for certain though...she may have some hearing issue as her brother began going deaf in his left ear a few years back. If you recall he did have surgery and now has a prosthetic second ear bone. His hearing is coming back but it will take many years to fully, if ever recover. It was explained to me in this manner; it's like having a prosthetic can walk but you never completely lose a limp or a catch in your step but you function just fine.
At the appointment we also learned she's still our little peanut but she has graduated into the twenty-fifth percentile for weight and height. She's getting bigger and growing just fine, she just won't talk. Not so sure that's a bad thing...she may never shut up once she does start talking and oh...boy what fun that will be.
The doctor believes she has the words in her head she just doesn't speak them. We'll see what happens at her audiology and speech evaluation and I'm quite certain I will be back with the findings.

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