Thursday, February 7, 2008


Well, things have gotten better. At least the garage door is semi fixed. It doesn't go completely down but at least we can use the automatic door openers now. I worry each time I use it that the rollers will unravel again but I think we're going to have someone come look at it.
The Jeep is still in disrepare at least for now. We should be able to fix it next weekend. If the part weren't so expensive it wouldn't be such an issue but $400 for a part kinda puts a hurtin on anyone.
The family is doing well. . .
Kieran had his parent teacher conference and his teacher had wonderful things to say about him and he got pretty good grades too. He just recently went snowboarding and had a great time. He was boarding in powder but he said in spite of it being hard, it was fun.
Steff got a hold of the coffee grounds and poured them in the dog's water and all over his pen. She also dumped my full mug of coffee out on the floor and then refilled it with coffee grounds. So, now I have to keep those out of her reach as well as the sugar. But, she's doing good. She's talking a lot and comes up with some of the funniest things I've ever heard. That's the fun part of having a two/three year old.
Sadie is walking all over the place. She practices lots and she's begun babbling quite a bit too. She just went to the doc and we found out she's a little (okay quite a bit) on the short side and chubby too. Her head circumfrance was right on with the size of her body though. It was a pretty good visit but she's been sick so they couldn't give her her immunizations. We have an appointment next week to do that.
Ryan is doing good, just working and being a family man is about all he's up to. He's dreading fixing the Jeep but we're going to buy a space heater to help keep him warm through the process.
I am doing great. I have been reading lots of Bible studies and I work at my church in their childcare department. I take care of other's kiddos while they take Bible studies or go to MOPS meetings. It's pretty great and I like it a lot. I didn't think I was the childcare type but the Lord calls us to do the things He needs us to. And, I surprisingly love it.
This family is doing well, we've had some sickness in the girls but no one else has caught it thus far. Pray we don't. They did pretty good through it all too. They both ran a few fevers and were a little on the thethargic side but that's it.
We hope all is well and prosperous in your lives. Take care of yourselves.

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