Sunday, May 24, 2009

Thus Far A "GO"

I just wanted to update you all and let you know that so far it's looking like I will actually be getting my surgery done on the 28th. Of course, this could all change very quickly depending on how Dr. Welling's wife is doing. Please keep us all in your prayers. I wouldn't want him to do my surgery unless his head is totally there and not worried about his wife but I'd also like to get it done so I can move forward with my life.
The kids are doing well...Sadie is still using sign language and her usual screechy sounds as a way of communication but she has also added a sound that is close to "da-da" although she doesn't use it for any particular thing-she can just say it when you prompt her-.
Steff is really enjoying the weather and we've had her pool filled up most of the time already. She's made a little friend from across the street but I'm not so sure that's a good thing-she now believes it's okay to cross the street when she wants to. Please keep her in your prayers as well...
Kieran is doing some great things and some not so great things lately. He's doing well in baseball and his coach has given him the opportunity to give pitching a shot. He'll be great at it once he gets his accuracy down a little better. He's also been taking things that he wants...It's like he believes that everything is available for his taking as he sees fit...What's his/hers is mine kind of thinking...\
Ryan is doing great...still working his tail off but we've had to prepare for him to take some time off for my recovery and he's had to work more to make up for that.
Today is our fifth wedding anniversary...And, I'm more in-love with him now than I was the day I married him. I pray it's always that way.
Take care of you,

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