Monday, May 12, 2008

Things Have Been Good

Things have been going well lately. This weekend was a busy one. Ryan worked on Friday and Saturday and then we had family pictures at the duck pond by Weber State University at 1pm. Then home for some yard work and a nap for me. When I woke up Ryan went golfing with a friend from work. I have to admit I wasn't happy but only because they didn't tee off until 6:30pm and thus he didn't get home until 8:30. It wasn't too bad but it would have been nice to spend that time with him...
Sunday was a good day. I really enjoyed my Mother's Day. Ryan was sweet; first off he got up with the kids all night so I could have a solid night of sleep and he let me go to church all by myself and then I came home to more yard work. It's a good thing I'm coming into this gardening thing because we have lots of flower gardens and a big yard. I received a praise wheel and an origami swan from Kieran and a palm plant from Ryan and the girls. Which is something I've always wanted. It's just a baby so hopefully I can raise it to be a big boy without killing it.
Sunday was a busy day...First off I went to church and came home to plant flowers. I then took the girls over to my mom's to take her her Mother's Day gift. We didn't stay long but at least I saw my mom on her day. As soon as we got back we jetted over to my dad's for a bar-b-que. After that we came home and did some more yard work and then it was off to Ryan's mom's for banana splits. They were yummy...We stayed there for a couple hours and then we came home and simply relaxed. It was a great day and a busy yet wonderful weekend.

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