Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Okay, so I realize it's just after 4 in the morning but I've had this wonderful if not unnerving epiphany...Here it is...The Lord has given me a couple slaps in the face and it's very obvious that His desire for my life is to quite smoking. You see, I was diagnosed with Reactive Lung Disease just over a year ago and I remember at the time being in shock and then the harsh realization that my habit of smoking was not helping the situation in the least.
We'll things have been pretty bad with my back for about the last 2-3 years. You know, constantly hurting and rarely finding relief...? Which also reminds me that I went in for some spinal root nerve injections two weeks ago and received instant relief from the severe pain that runs along my low back and down into my legs. This, however, did not last longer that 10 to 11 days. And, the bill was just over a grand...And, for what? A week and half of relief..? That works out to be just over $100 dollars a day...Yikes! Especially since I met with a well known Neuro-surgeon in the Ogden area on Monday. He took a very brief look at my MRI and I advised him who my father was because had done a back fusion for him this past June. He basically told me that I was an exact replica of my father in terms of the issues that have been presented in my life. He advised me that the most effect option to get rid of the shooting hip and leg pain was to have a Microdiscectomy. It would be out-patient surgery and the risks of something going wrong with a scope and laser are very minimal. He advised me that if I didn't get this taken care of now that I would eventually turn into a much more complicated case like my dad. He wasn't pressing, he simply told me the facts, answered my questions and told me that I should go home and discuss this opportunity with my husband and should we chose this as an option, to give his office a call and set a date for a surgery.
Dr. Welling also very kindly said that I really should consider quiting smoking which I knew he was going to say something about but I never expected how nice and informative he'd be about it. He said that a lot of attention is given to the heart, lungs and vascular system with regards to very damaging effects of smoking on these vital, life determining organs but what doesn't get said is that the damage your bones and joints suffer is actually just as bad. When you smoke you decrease the level of oxygen in your blood stream and it's particularly bad on the white blood cells in consideration of the fact that are largely made up of oxygen. Your bones and joints severely need white blood cells to maintain their elasticity and pliability and strength. When you take away their main source of "food" they starve and therefor begin degenerating. The difference? You can live life in pain but you can't live without your heart, lungs and vascular system working correctly.
Ryan and I have in the previous months been looking into what could possibly be the evil entity that is the culprit for much of our back issues and time and again smoking is very near the top of the lists. Ryan has been suffering upper back and neck pain pretty regularly without any relief for at least a good year. He only finds relief from pain medication and icy-hot patches. I believe this is due to the decade of his life he spent doing dry-wall. But, I'm not a doctor and we haven't been able to find out the exact reason he's suffered from this for so long. Of course, I believe and MRI would answer a lot of questions but you can't just call the radiology department and schedule your own appointment on a whim.
So, now that you've informed of my latest attempts at getting relief and the new options that have been laid out before'll most likely agree that I disastrously need to quit smoking...This is where your love and continued support comes in...I know God is on my side and that through it all He'll be there to hold me and should I have an accident, He'll pick me back up and put me on my feet after dusting me off. But, the special people in my life can help too...all I ask is that some time in one of your prayer sessions you mention my name along with Ryan's.
The effects of this pain are hard to deal with for one person but it's affecting our whole family. We rarely have days when doing anything more than providing for our children's daily needs is ever possible. We are both still very young and we sincerely desire to play with all of our kids. Kieran is starting baseball soon and he's really wanting to give pitching a shot this year but he needs parents that are capable of playing catch with him and helping him hone his skills. Steffanie is a very active 4 year old who just wants to run and play along with you. Sadie is taking on a new life as a social being and she's gained a love for being outside as well. The weather is soon to be wonderful and we want our kids to remember their parents willingness and ability to play with them. So, I'm sure you see how this is very depressing for us. Having the desire and intentions to do things aren't going to get things done but some days it's all we can do to go through the normal motions of the day....depressing.
On an up spite of all this pain garbage we are doing well. It's seems that our family has found a new pattern for our combined lives and each of us plays their own role uniquely. We feel connected a lot more these days. The kids' health is good. Kieran seems to be getting his emotions under some sort of control...We switched his medication and he's seems to be responding to it quite well. We pray that these next few years as he grows toward adulthood aren't too hard for him and that he's able to stay focused on the things that are important in life and have fun in the meantime.

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