Sunday, April 5, 2009

Okay, so I'm on it...Yeah, here's another blog for you to read...Miracles never cease to exist do they...?
Things have been well in our worlds...If you think potty training a resistent 4 year old, a severely depressed tween and a 2 and half year old that won't talk is well...? You decide.
But, seriously it hasn't been all too bad. Ryan and I are doing well together. Not sure if it's because he's now on medication to control his stress level or if I have been more patient with the way things are but something for the better has definitely changed. Much to my liking of course...
I accomplished a major feat and read the Twilight series in 6 days...Beat that record...Anyone? Of course my house was neglected and the reprocusions are not ideal but I was able to escape the consistent pain I'm in for a few days. And, yes, I fed the kids...although I don't remember when or how but they're still alive so that's a good sign.
I went in last Wednesday for a couple injections into my S1 nerve root (which seriously slowed my reading progress down). I instantly had relief from the pain that ran down the outside of my legs. I wonder though, how long will it last..?
Ryan has been doing his usual thing...working but he seems to have a much better outlook on things than usual. This I like.
Kieran's meds were changed and about a week and a half into the new ones the very thing I'd been hoping wouldn't happen, did. He got more depressed and was actually harming himself physically. Not good. But, I trust the doctor he's in the care of and I know the Lord has some big plans for his life.
Steff is still refusing to potty train....although she turned 4 on the 31st. I can't figure out how she can stand having urine and the other stuck to her body and I certainly can't figure out what is holding her back. If only to be able to get in to her mind for a few minutes.
Sadie's really grasping sign language well and she learns new signs almost immediately after a quick showing of what they are. Her mind is another mystery that I cannot solve.
So, basically we a plugging along and trying to move our lives forward in a better manner. Hey, if life is gonna continue to progress at least we can try to have a good time.
Hope all is well in your worlds...

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