Monday, January 4, 2010

Excitement with a Challenge

Ryan has left us...He's taken a flight to Hartford CT and we dearly miss him. It's only been one day but everyone feels the impact. We can't wait til the week is over so that we can see him again. Did I get ya there fo a second?
Ryan went to Hartford to train to be a programer at JD Machine. Something he's really excited about. We all are actually ecstatic because this means he'll be home in the evenings to help with the kids and spend more time with them, not mention it's a step up in the company.
Exciting things...
As for the challenging stuff, it's just a little more work without him home...But, short term pain for long term gain.
He said his first day went well. It was over before he knew it and he was eshausted as well. I'm praying the whole week flies by the same way. If you'd like to talk to him you can still reach him by his phone and I'm sure he'd love to hear from anyone.

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