Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sinead and the Grades

Where to start…? Well, it has been absolutely wonderful having Ryan on day shift. He has been getting out of bed easier and over-all he seems happier. I personally couldn’t be more thrilled-unless he where to get his truck registered so I could have my van back…but all in good time and if that is the only thing I have to sacrifice to have him home in the evenings it’s well worth it.

Kieran has really made progress in school. He’s pulled most of his F’s to C’s. My brother, Travis has been staying with us and he’s given Kieran great direction on the right way to get his assignments done. I know that raising his grades has really helped raise his self-confidence to heights it hasn’t been since his dad passed away 3 years ago. I’m really proud of him and more pleased to see him be proud of himself.

Steff pulled one of the more devastating stunts of her near 5 years on this planet. You see, she found or hid some scissors and decided she wanted to be a hair stylist and who needs to go to school -right? She not only butchered her hair but she also did a number on Sadie’s as well. I seriously just wanted to cry, instead I called Ryan and informed him I needed to take the girls to Great Clips in hopes that they could salvage anything or at the very least even it all out. Thus, Sadie has a boy haircut and it’s been discovered she looks like her brother. Steff’s didn’t turn out so well. The lady that cut it did a horrible job and I’m so completely dissatisfied that I will be taking her back in for it to be fixed-let’s put it this way…she has a mullet with a bald spot on the right side of her head. I’ve tried styling it but her bald spot is so obvious she probably looked more ridiculous than she would have if I hadn’t done anything. Sadie looked very much like a little boy until I put a cute headband in her hair.

1 comment:

The Kelstroms said...

I'm so glad you have updated the blog. Mom told me about the haircut incident so I came on to see if there were pictures. I can't stop laughing. This is my favorite story ever.
