Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Baptisms, Allergies and Sweet Husbands

I am officially a Baptist...I took the plunge and was baptized Sunday night. It was such an invigorating experience. As I went into the water I felt heavy and burdened and as I emmerged I felt like I was going to fly off like a bird. It was the best feeling I've ever experienced. I would recommend it to anyone. Of course, there is something to be said for accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. . .I did about 6 years ago on Easter...I finally understood that Christ had died for my sins, not everyone's, like I'd known for years...It was my sins he died for. I wasn't worthy of such love but He was always faithful and showed me this for years and years. That's why I was baptized. I realized the love Jesus has for me and it was my turn to be obedient and do as He commanded in the Bible.
I had a great support system at my baptism. Ryan's siblings and their spouses came and so did my mother in-law and step father in-law. And, of course my wonderful mother was there. My son was really impacted by this event and he's stated that he wants to be baptized as well. He loved hearing the cheering and whistling as I came out of the water. I know my son has accepted Christ as his personal Savior, he did so a long time ago. I wish I had been so young, maybe I would have saved myself some hard lessons? God's timing is perfect and I cannot complain about the way my life has went. I've learned a lot...a lot about what I want and don't want in my life and that the center of my life needs to be Christ.
The rest of our family is doing well. We thought for a minute that we might have to find Rexxy a new home due to some serious allergy flair ups. Everyone seems to be doing better now though and the dog is still our youngest member.
Ryan is doing well. He's been so sweet and wonderful lately. As you may or may not know, my mom moved out this last weekend and Ryan took the innitative and found some help to help her move so that I didn't have to strain my back. He was worried about my back and didn't want me doing anything. He also took off 3 days for my surgery recovery. . .He was right there standing at the side of the baptismal font while I was baptized and he's just been Mr. Sweet-heart lately. I love it when he's like this. What woman wouldn't love it?
Kieran is doing well also...He's been his usual self but now he wants to be baptized. I think he's ready and I asked him if he'd like to do it with me before I made the decision. He said no, he wasn't ready but seeing me do it must have inspired him. He's been a good kid at school. No fights lately. His teacher sends me emails saying he's a joy to have in his class and that he's entertaining.
Steff is doing great. We still haven't started potty training but we're working on it...At least we're trying to psyche her up for it. She has been enjoying the weather, she just loves being outside. I am also impressed with her vocabulary and she's always saying something to crack us up.
Sadie is doing wonderful...she is starting to babble quite a bit so hopefully she'll be talking soon. My mom and I have this joke going that now that she's moved out Sadie will start talking...She has had allergies probably worse than anyone in the house. She gets big bags under eyes, a cough and the worst runny nose. She seems to be getting a little better though so that's good.
Not much has been happening-as you can see....We are doing well and looking forward to this Summer. It's been a long, cold winter and Spring hasn't been all too warm either. We hope all is well everyone else's world and that you feel the Lord's blessings in your life.
All My Love,

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