Monday, April 28, 2008

How We're Doing

It was a wonderful weekend...the weather was beautiful and we were productive in our yard and around the house. Ryan, his sister and our brother in-law had rented a power rake and thus, the project began...Ryan power raked on Saturday and on Sunday after church we went and raked our entire 1/2 acre yard by hand. It was tedious but we came up with a system that worked great and was less tiring. I would rake and Ryan would rest and play with kids or just chat with me then we'd trade. We did this over and over until the yard was raked. Then we broke out the lawn tractor and trailer and we cleaned up the piles of dead grass. We didn't do it completely by ourselves though we had my sister, Tayler helping us and so Ryan took her and Steff (who also helped in her own little way and the best she could) on a ride around the yard. They loved it and we appreciated the help. It was a great time for Ryan and I. We got to spend good, quality time together, even if it was working.
Kieran has been a great kiddo lately. He's always helping with his sisters and he's been doing his chores. Nothing new in school to talk about but I think things are going well. I'm waiting for an email response from his teacher on how he's doing and I'll update when I get it.
Sadie is growing well and her allergies have eased up. We thank God for that because she had them so bad. She has had a diaper area yeast infection that required some topical cream to get rid of and she somehow got a rash called Feliculitis that covered her entire body and required an antibiotic to treat. It's getting better and no one else in the house has come down with it so again, we praise the Lord.
Steff really enjoyed this weekend with being able to be outside most of the time. She just really loves being outside. She's a little nature junkie too, she's always catching spiders and other bugs to show us. She's learned or better yet grown to love her four wheeler. She had a hard time at first with it, she couldn't get the steering thing down and we had to keep rescuing her from the fences. She eventually got it and now she just cruises all over the yard until the battery is totally dead. Then, of course we put it on the charger and wait the long 16 hours for tomorrow to come so we can replace the battery and set her free to roam. It's so cute to see. The dog loves it too, he chases it and gets in her way and at the last second her jumps out of the way. She of course, chases him and laughs her little hinney off.
Ryan is doing pretty good himself. He's worried about money but there's nothing new there. He's been in great spirits and very helpful. He was worth his weight in gold while I was recovering from my surgery. He even wrote me little love notes letting me know he appreciated all I was doing in spite of how I was feeling. How wonderful that was. He did a lot this weekend with power raking and then vacuuming and cleaning the basement to get ready to move our things down there. He's just really been great...
I have been doing much better. I had a hard time with my nose while I had the splints (not stints) in it but a few days(I'd say 4)after they were removed I was almost back to my old self. Granted I still cannot blow my nose or bend over. That will only be a couple of days longer though and then when I wake up May 1st the first thing I'm doing is blowing my nose. It will be such a new experience. I can now wear makeup. I actually was able to put foundation on my face without causing extreme pain. It was nice to not hurt. My first pain free day was Friday and it's a blessing it was pain free with all that running around I did. But, that's enough about my nose. . .I'm doing well, very well and in spite of having my mom move out I've been very good at doing the dishes and the laundry. She was a big help but it's not as hard as I thought it was going to be. I praise God for that, He's really been a big part of my strength.
Well, that's the latest on how we're doing and we pray that each and every one of you is having a great day and that your life is blessed.
All My Love,

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