Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Outside & Sadie

Our little peanut does not like it outside and we've come up with many theories why that might be possible. There was the light theory; where we thought that she didn't like the brightness of outside because her eyes are so blue and light eyes reflect the sun. Then there was the internally knowing her skin is fair and being wary of the sun and it's burning power. Then there was the theory that she was born at the wrong time of the year and she probably is used to being indoors or maybe she likes the cold better. But, I think we hit the nail on the head this last time...see we were sitting outside yesterday and she was with us. We had sat in the same spot for quite some time and she began to wander off into the yard from the patio but she would come back to one of us and give our legs a squeeze and be off again. This happened over and over with each venture being a little longer and more inquisitive. So, we came up with the theory that she likes the safety and confinement of the house. All she really ever knew was being swaddled and close to someone when she was new. Maybe she's afraid of the open space of the outdoors? We don't know for sure but after watching her yesterday our latest theory makes the most sense. Or maybe it's a combination of all the theories? Who knows? We know one thing, we've got to get her used to outside because she can't hang out in the house all alone and we're outdoors kind of people. All of us, except her...

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