Thursday, December 13, 2007

Kieran's Mad and Steff Diaper Free

Okay, so it probably sounds like we successfully potty trained Steff but that's not the case at all. You see, she keeps taking her diaper off and roaming free in the breeze. I don't know what to do, I don't want her peeing all over the place (and God forbid she poop) but I think she's trying to tell us something...If you have any suggestions please email me. I'm thinking maybe for Christmas we'll get her some "big girl" panties...Maybe she's ready, maybe this is one of her little games. Who knows?
Kieran came home angry today and straight up told me he's mad that his dad died. He also said his teacher won't let him talk about it. I don't know how much of that to believe but I do know I will be sending him a note reminding him that this is a particularly hard time of the year for a child who has lost their parent and I'll ask him to send Kieran to Mr. Richards, the school counselor if he should feel the need to talk about his feelings.
I don't know what to do to help him. I usually just prompt him with questions and hope that he feels like talking about it. I know I love him and this hurts me to see him go through the pain of losing someone so special to him. Sean was Kieran's world and vice versa. They did everything together and loved each other so very much. It makes me cry when I think of all Kieran lost when he lost his dad. If anyone has any suggestions on what or how I can help my wonderful son, please email me...

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