Saturday, December 29, 2007

Steff's New Favorite Show

You won't believe this but Kieran got Steff addicted to Sponge Bob. It's hilarious...She keeps asking me to put on Bob Bob because she can't quite say Sponge. I never thought she would want to watch it as much as she does. But, she keeps telling me to put it on. It kinda sucks because the episodes are only about 14 minutes long so I have to keep the remote close by so I can replay the same two episodes. I'm gonna go nuts after watching these same episodes over and over.
I'm still so bored. I even washed my hair, dried it and curled it. I did the old cliche and washed my hair because I was so bored. I talked to Ryan and he said he'll be home shortly after 4. I wanted to cry. I miss him and need his companionship really bad. This day has gone by so slow. I know he needs to get the hours because he's only getting holiday pay on his check but all the same, not having him home sucks.
I have learned that I can do this all without my mother just fine. She thinks I'm incompetent and I'm here to say she's wrong. I have taken care of my children for the last two days without any problem. I don't know if my kids have been angels or if this is really how it is but it's not as bad as I had it made out in my mind to be. They are easy if you know them...
It looks like my sister is going to be staying the night tonight. Maybe I'll put her to work so Ryan and I can run an errand together-alone. I don't know though because I've never left her with my kids before. Heck, I've never left them with anyone but adults. I know Mady is the one that takes care of them when they are at my dad's though. So, it's not like it's any big deal to leave her with them, besides, my mom would be home if there was any problems. Yeah, I think we deserve to run an errand together.

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