Saturday, December 15, 2007

Oooh...Steff is On One

Ooooh...Steff is being the biggest stinker. She keeps throwing things even after her dad has told her to stop and disciplined her several times...she broke my mom's tape dispenser by throwing it across the kitchen floor, which means, the sand inside of it is now riddled all over the floor...she got into the silverware drawer and got out a butter knife...and she keeps sticking her finger in her nose and then into her mouth. That's just the beginning of it all. She is just straight up on one. Ryan is getting pretty sick of disciplining her and taking care of kids in general.

Sadie is being her usual self, just crawling around playing and occasionally falling victim to her sister's antics. She keeps getting in the way of the objects Steff is throwing. We haven't had any tears from her as of yet though.

Kieran called today and said the funniest thing...he said, "I just went and got the cousins." He was telling me that he and his Gram had cruised into Ogden and picked up his cousins. It was just funny the way he said it and how mature he sounded. I had to laugh. He sounded like he was having a good time with his cousins and his grandparents in general.

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