Sunday, December 30, 2007

Our Rexy

We got to see our puppy!!! HE'S SO CUTE!!! We got to hold him and kiss him and smell that new puppy smell. He's so fun, he even fell asleep in my hands. I'd say my arms but he's too small to be falling asleep in my arms. He fits into the palms of your hands with room to spare.
It sounds like we might be getting him sooner than originally planned. His mom is starting to have nothing to do with all the puppies so maybe within the next two weeks. I am so excited but so nervous. I need to buy a puppy training book and a book about Chihuahua's. It's been a long time since I had a puppy. I haven't really had a puppy since I was 16 when I was baby hungry and satisfied the need with a dog. This is going to be a new adventure...Oh, the stories I'm going to have to tell in the coming weeks...
The kids are being good. All but the whiny Steff. She hasn't been too bad today, at least she hasn't gotten into a whole bunch of stuff but she's been super whiny and she's the tv natzi. We cannot watch anything or she freaks out and wants Sprout. I can tell you, Ryan is sick of her antics today. He think she's a brat and for the most part she usually is but she has had more periods of goodness today than usual. Of course, not right now when she is screaming and whining for everything that we cannot give her-like Starbucks banana nut bread. She loves that bread and whenever she sees Starbucks or a Starbucks coffee cup she asks for that bread. No, she freaks out for that bread. So, each time we go to Starbucks we have to get her banana bread.
Sadie has been hanging out with Kieran and Mady all day. She's so used to Mady that when Mady tried to put her down she started to cry. There is of course, a way out and around that...just get her a bottle and lay her down in front of Sprout and she forgets all about who she was wanting. She's such an easy baby and to top it off she's been feeling icky. She has a bit of a cold and I can't think of who she would have gotten it from. I don't think she's been around anyone sick-I mean, obiviously she has or she wouldn't be sick but I didn't think we knew anyone who had been sick recently. Of course, there are so many ways of getting sick from someone, who knows?
Kieran has enjoyed having someone to hang out with today. He and Mady have hung out most of the day. It's nice because they don't fight like mad like Kieran and some people do. It's nice and pleasing. Kieran has been taking good care of his turtle too. He keeps checking the temperature and turns on his heat lamp when it gets too cool in the tank. I wonder how long this novelty is going to last though. I read that turtles live for 25 to 40 years...Hell, that turtle might outlive me. I hope not, but it might. I hope he likes it for more than a week. He's named it "Dumbo" for what reason I cannot be sure but that's his or her name. We think it might be a girl, we did some looking into their claws and their tails and it seems that this one is a female. Which means she may get huge and outgrow a tank. I can just see it now, Ryan and I are seventy something years old and we have a turtle swimming in our bathtub...hilarious!
Ryan seems to be in a much better demeanor. I think having a few minutes to play his video game have been refreshing. Granted it would be nicer if we had our computer room so he could go off and baracade himself in there for peace and quiet but that is not our setup for now. My mom said she's going to try and move out in February or something like that. I really hope so, we would love to have our basiment to ourselves. I have daydreams of her moving out. I have wonderful dreams of the day when she finally grows up enough to live on her own. I doubt it will be anytime close to February but she may learn to take care of herself by then-highly doubt it.

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