Wednesday, December 12, 2007

She Said "Mama"

Last night was an exciting night for me...Sadie finally said, "Mama" It was the sweetest thing I've ever head come out of her little mouth. I have been trying for the last month to get her to say it. After she said it Kieran started trying to get her to say, "bubu."
It's so exciting that she's starting to talk. I was worried there for awhile that she wasn't ever going to talk or that there was some reason, something wrong and that's why she didn't. I've come to the conclusion that I was just a worried mother and that my daughter is just taking her dear sweet time doing things.
One day she will be walking and talking all over the place and I'll wish she was my cute little peanut that would just "hoo" and crawl around. I'm gonna regret her growing up because as of right now we are not having any more kids. The most recent conclusion is that we are done and it doesn't matter if Ryan's brother has any boys or not...we are done. We want to be done with diapers and baby stuff and kids that require a lot of hands on attention. We are looking forward to the days when Steff and Sadie can do chores and I can go back to school and eventually to work.
Now, don't go thinking we don't appreciate what we have because we do. It's just a hard time and we're looking forward to the challenges we'll be facing with kids that are older. We know it's never going to be easy but we also know that each day is a blessing and the future holds so much more.

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