Sunday, January 6, 2008

A Day of Rest

It's a day of rest as Ryan puts it, and as you see from the pictures my family is in no short supply of agreeance with that old time Bible passage.

Kieran is sitting alongside his sister in a basket and eating lunch, Ryan is laying on the couch dozing in and out, and Sadie is roaming the house and doing nothing serious.

I am bored out of my mind and thus, I type. . .

It's been an interesting weekend. I missed my Secret Sister brunch and feel terrible that I didn't get to meet the people I have been praying for and meet the one that has been praying for me. But, I did have my uncle come in to town. I haven't seen him since I was a teenager.
I need to send my secret sister an email letting her know that I spaced the event and that I had family come into town.
It's been nice seeing my uncle, he's as crazy as I remember him being but he's gotten a little more mellow with age. I was very afraid of him when I was little. I used to scream every time he held me or tried to show me any affection when I was a toddler. I enjoy him now. I didn't know that I would but I do enjoy him and I enjoy his personality.
The kids are doing okay. Kieran had an incident at school last week and he got himself grounded for a few days but I think he's understanding the point behind the grounding. I hope he can learn to control himself better. It really bothers me when he acts up because I feel like I'm doing something wrong as a parent.
Steff has been pretty verbal lately and we've noticed she's a lot more friendly with people she doesn't know and those she just met. It's like she's opened up to the idea of being friendly. Not sure if I like it though, you see, with her being wary of others I didn't have to really worry about when a stranger got close to her because she'd make all sorts of racket letting us know she was uncomfortable. Not so much anymore.
I took the girls to the doctor the other day and we found out that Steff has a sinus infection, which is causing post nasal drip which in turn is causing her to have a cough. Dr Silas prescribed an antibiotic and a cough syrup for her. For Sadie, he simply said she has a cold and he prescribed a decongestant for her stuffy little nose.
Sadie is doing well. She's starting to stand on her own more but she still will not let us just stand her up in the middle of the room quite yet. She's getting there though. It will be an exciting time when she becomes more mobile...
I am doing well. I have been feeling pretty decent and my hips haven't been giving me any grief. I do clench my jaw quite a bit though and I need to figure out why. It causes a headache if I've been doing it for quite a while. I think I'm going to go and read or make myself busy. I just wanted to post an update on the family...

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