Thursday, January 3, 2008

That Was Nuts

We just had a nutty time but isn't that status quo for our family. You see, Ryan went to the bank and got some money out and while he was there letting me know that he'd left the atm card with me he locked his keys in his truck. You're thinking, use the spares in your wallet, well, he lent them to my mom when she borrowed his truck about 6 months ago and thus, he didn't have them. So, as I'm on the phone with him it becomes clear that I have to throw the girls in the jeep and go unlock his truck. Sounds easy enough...Steff was in her diaper and Sadie was asleep. So, I had to dress Steff and wake Sadie but we did it all in record time. I hit every light green and was at the bank in record time...Only one problem, wrong bank. He was at a different branch....isn't that my luck. So, I jet over to the branch he's at and he was crossing the parking lot from going to pay the bill that he originally went to the bank to get money for anyway. I gave him a ride to his truck and handed him my keys. He unlocked it and I drove off. Then, he comes running across the parking lot at me saying he didn't unlock it...So, I drove back to his truck and waited to make sure he had really unlocked it this time.
We decided after this adventure we both deserved some Starbucks so off to Starbucks we went....All ended well and we both kept good attitudes. Problem solved and everyone lived.

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