Friday, January 11, 2008

Kelstrom Zoo

I feel like we live in a zoo. . .The day starts out with making sure all the animals, children included have their morning needs met. I check Rex to make sure he has water and feed him, get Sadie a bottle and turn on the news. Then I feed the fish and go down and check on the turtle. This routine repeats itself several times a day. And, I remember when I said I was bored. I am no longer bored. And, quite honestly, I like it. I like having things to do but I seriously feel like I live in a zoo. Ryan is not excluded as one of the animals. He so happens to be the bear. The worst and most ornery of all the animals. A lot of my animals are not docile but he's got to be the worst ever. I am almost afraid to talk to him about anything. But that's a whole different blog. This one is all about all the animals I have in my house.........

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