Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Parents Gone Mad

Our children are going to officially drive us mad tonight. Sadie took a nap, in which she woke up from in a bad mood. Steff is hitting her brother and taking her diaper off and Kieran, well, he's just being a ten year old...nothing serious with him.
So, right now Ryan is playing a computer game...which means he's virtually oblivious to everything going on...Kieran is playing with this ultra-violet light that he got for Christmas, Steff is crying because Kieran did something to her because she jumped on him and Sadie is sitting on the floor moaning like she's in pain. This is how it's been for the last hour of our evening. Hence, our children are going to drive us mad.
Apparently, Sadie just wanted to be held. I went and picked her up and sat her on my lap while I sit here and type and she is chatting me up. In her own language of course, but chatting none-the-less. I'm sure she'll get bored soon and want to get down. She heard Ryan and of course began trying to peer around me to see him. She clawed me with her little razors in the process. She gets the worst set of sharp nails on her.
I figured it out...they are being demons because Sprout isn't on. As soon as I had Kieran change the channel they started to relax and be good.

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