Monday, January 28, 2008

Life is Interesting

Life never has a dull moment in this house. Of course, some things are good and some are bad. Just this morning I was using the restroom and could hear Steff laughing. When I reappeared into the living room the puppy and Sadie were sitting on the cushion less couch eating popcorn together and Steff apparently thought it was funny to watch. I had to clean up the popcorn and chuckle myself...

Well, our Jeep is still broke down and will be for and undetermined amount of time. The part to fix it was $412, so that's going to have to be saved for. And that was a remanufactured one, the new ones were $900. Oh. all we can say. Thank the Lord Ryan's friend let us borrow his car for as long as we need it.

Speaking of the car we's stuck in our garage...the garage door is also on the fritz and we cannot open it with the garage door opener, we have to manually lift it. It's not light...Ryan tried to put it down himself and it picked him up off the floor, that's how heavy it is. The worst part about that is that Ryan can't figure out how to fix it. It's not that he can't, he just hasn't figured it out yet.

The great news is that Sadie has taken the first steps to walking. She was trying really hard last night to figure it all out. She kept trying and trying and it was all by herself. She would pull herself up to the couch and just start walking towards things. She took a max of about 6 or 7 steps...It was great and we've been waiting for a long time for this. Of course, we praise her highly with claps and cheers and she loves it.

The puppy is growing and learning his boundaries pretty well. He's taking to paper training pretty well. Right now he's climbing all over me and my computer desk. He's just so cute and fun. I don't think I've ever loved an animal this much. I think the whole family just loves him to death. I know Ryan does. He spoils him rotten...

Kieran isn't doing so well taking care of his turtle. Ryan and I do it most of the time. We expect to have to take care of her when Kieran isn't around but he should be feeding her and taking care of her when he's home. His excuse was that he's too busy. Not sure how he came to that conclusion but he said something about having school 6 hours a day. He's been doing good other than that little discussion though. He has an appt with Kluthe today and there are a couple things his Gram and I have figured we need to talk to him about. Nothing too serious just little things that he needs help to learn how to relax about.

Steff is doing well, she plays with the puppy and loves every moment of it. He has a duck that's attached to a string that she pulls around and he chases. It's a great game for the both of them. She hasn't been to big of a stinker lately. No sugar spilling just little bouts of temper here and there. Of course, I've learned my lesson and the sugar dish only gets filled about 1/3 of the way now.

Sadie is doing great! She was talking but she hasn't done that for a few days but how can we complain with her learning to walk? We aren't, but it would be nice to know what she has to say. The pediatrician isn't worried as long as she's not just grunting. He says she most likely just doesn't want to talk.

I am doing well. I am growing leaps and bounds in my faith and I even have a job at the church. I only work about 6 days a month but it's a way for me to serve the Lord and the bonus is I make a little money too. I am working in their childcare department, taking care of kids under school ages while their parents go to Bible studies. I only work about 3 hours a day so it's not too much of a good thing. I really enjoy it and it's a way to get the girls out and give them a chance to socialize with other children their age.

Ryan is doing okay, he's really stressed out about the money thing because the Jeep broke down and then the garage door is perplexing him. He's maintaining a pretty good attitude and hasn't completely lost it. He acts like he wants to sometimes though. How can I blame him? I know and he knows that the only way we'll get on top is if he works overtime. I hate that he's the only one that brings in money. I so wish I could help. But, that's just me wanting to make everything all better.
I'm absolutely sure we'll make it and everything will be okay. It's just a matter of having faith. Faith like a mustard seed...

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