Monday, January 14, 2008

In Our Bed

Rexy slept in our bed for the first time last night. Ryan brought him in when he came to bed around 3am. Rex sat there at licked my face for the first few minutes and then he got comfortable and went to sleep. He slept most of the night down in the covers and when I woke up he was ready for the bathroom and to play. He was very playful this morning...he kept biting Kieran and Kieran didn't like it much.
The girls are watching Vegetales...cute shows staring of all things, vegetables. Sadie didn't get up until almost 8:30 this morning and Steff crawled out of the kitchen at about 8am. They are being good-for the moment.
I'm doing well. I had a good day with the Lord yesterday. I spent a lot of time reading His Word and pondering the places in my life that I need to work on. It was good...
Ryan had a good day. He relaxed most of the day but he did help me make our bed and he put some protective film on the windows in our bedroom to help keep it warmer in there. Which it did help, I slept nice and comfortable last night with the temperature. It wasn't too cold and it didn't get too hot either. It was a nice change from the cold temp it used to be. He also vacuumed the entire house. Which is his chore, only by choice because he hates the floor being dirty. That's why I got him a swivel sweeper for Christmas. Now he can do on the spot kinda jobs and not have to break out the Kirby.
Today will hopefully be a good day. I have some Bible reading to do and prayers to say so I'm off to have time with the Lord...

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